The Wave - Part II

The hike into The Wave
IMG 0802-HDR(3)  About ready to leave the trailhead:  Oddvar, Anni & Suzanne - Don is the photographer. IMG 0805-HDR(3)  Oddvar spotted this sad, distorted, old face looking at us along the trail. IMG 0814-HDR(3)  We reach the point where the Wave Trail separates from the the Wire Pass Trail and heads up the hill: Oddvar, Anni and Suzanne with Don the photographer. P1030690-HDR  If there is much more of this uphill work, we'll have to strip off some outerwear. (Photo by Suzanne)
IMG 0817-HDR(3)  Lots of contrails through out the day. IMG 0820-HDR(3)  THe strange formations begin early on this trail. IMG 0823-HDR(3)  We will soon find out we missed a turn off and will have to backtrack.  But the formations are fascinating. IMG 0826-HDR(3)
P1030693-HDR  More hills.  NOW we will have to take off some of that outerwear. (Photo by Suzanne) IMG 0829-HDR(3) IMG 0835-HDR(3) IMG 0838-HDR(3)  Teepees abound.  Or are these fossilized piles of diinosaur dung?
IMG 0846-HDR(3) IMG 0849-HDR(3) IMG 0859-HDR(3) IMG 0862-HDR(3)  Ok, what's this?
IMG 0865-HDR(3)  Now we can look back for a better view IMG 0871-HDR(3) IMG 0877-HDR(3)  A far away inch worm on that mountain over there (200mm telephoto) - maybe better called a quarter-mile worm IMG 0880-HDR(3)  There is a formation called "Hooters" along here somewhere.  Have you seen it yet?
IMG 0883-HDR(3)  Is that a duck or a reclining camel in the foreground? IMG 0886-HDR(3)  A reflecting pool. IMG 0889-HDR(3)  How did these all come about? IMG 0901-HDR(3)
IMG 0903-HDR(2)  Now we're getting more colorful.