1 About ready to leave the trailhead: Oddvar, Anni & Suzanne - Don is the photographer.
2 Oddvar spotted this sad, distorted, old face looking at us along the trail.
3 We reach the point where the Wave Trail separates from the the Wire Pass Trail and heads up the hill: Oddvar, Anni and Suzanne with Don the photographer.
4 If there is much more of this uphill work, we'll have to strip off some outerwear. (Photo by Suzanne)
5 Lots of contrails through out the day.
6 THe strange formations begin early on this trail.
7 We will soon find out we missed a turn off and will have to backtrack. But the formations are fascinating.
9 More hills. NOW we will have to take off some of that outerwear. (Photo by Suzanne)
12 Teepees abound. Or are these fossilized piles of diinosaur dung?
16 Ok, what's this?
17 Now we can look back for a better view
19 A far away inch worm on that mountain over there (200mm telephoto) - maybe better called a quarter-mile worm
20 There is a formation called "Hooters" along here somewhere. Have you seen it yet?
21 Is that a duck or a reclining camel in the foreground?